Tuesday, 22 September 2015

The Ties That Bind @cpmandara @LoveBitesSilk #booktour #BDSM

Title: The Ties That Bind
Genre: Dark Erotica, BDSM, Suspense

Will Mark Matthews accept Redcliff’s terms for his daughter’s release, surrendering both body and mind to the enemy? Petal’s sanity depends upon the fact, for in the sixth and final book of Pony Tales she is to discover that the fate in store for her at Albrecht is not a pretty one.

Shipped off to Leyland Forbes in a steel cage, the pony-girl will have to endure all sorts of imaginative bondage and BDSM at his palatial manor, as her body is photographed intimately by several of the world’s top photographers. As the day progresses she will find herself taken out to dinner in chains, before being cleverly and expertly divested of her virginity.

Trouble awaits when she returns to the stables, however. One of the trainers has taken a monstrous dislike to her and intends to prove his superiority, both in the dungeon and beyond.

Escape is beginning to seem like an impossible dream…

Content warning:  M/f, F/f, M/M, kinky underwater bondage, dub-con, non-consensual sex.

“She’s been screaming her head off for an hour, Michael. Can I knock her out, or at the least move the woman somewhere far, far away, preferably underground?”
There was a long sigh at the end of the telephone receiver and it was clear that the owner of the voice was in a testy mood.

“K, darling. It’s unlike you to be so squeamish. What’s up?”

The blonde on the other end of the receiver sighed again. Michael’s voice was not one of sympathy and it was clear that her sentry duty was far from over. “Your son is putting muddy footprints all over my brand new, silver travertine tiles. He’s already necked most of the alcohol in the house and has now taken my remote control prisoner.” She added a little growl for effect, to let him know she was not at all pleased by the turn of events.

There was a slight pause as her complaints were considered before all of them were rebuffed as she had expected.

“You have a cleaning lady who will be in first thing tomorrow to clear up the footprints and any other mess he might leave, paid for by me I might add, and I’m more than happy to get you a delivery of whatever tipple might take your fancy. Of course, you realise you can’t drink anything with her in the house and nor can you watch TV, so I fail to see your point.” The voice had taken on a bemused tone. “It’s the screaming that’s getting you down, hmm? And here I thought you enjoyed that sort of thing.”

The blonde heard a burst of uncharacteristic laughter erupt from her handset and nearly fell over from her position, leant casually against the granite kitchen countertop. As it was, several cookbooks fell to their demise and a jar of chrome utensils quickly followed suit.

“K, dear, are you OK? It’s nearly all over now. We’ll have him right where we want him in just a couple of days. The girls are in place, and there’s the added bonus of having both Isabelle and Jennifer as an incentive to get Mark to co-operate. I think the man has a conscience, but we’ll find out shortly, darling.”

“What are you planning to do with them?” Scuttling around on the floor, she banged shiny serving spoons, spatulas and ladles back into their container, loud enough to create pretty impressive backing for a drum and bass album.

“Something diabolically nasty, what else? I want to watch him squirm and I want him to know exactly what I’m capable of. When you take on someone of Matthews’ calibre, you make sure he understands you the first time, because there’s no way you’ll get hold of him a second time.”
The banging stopped abruptly and a smile flittered across K’s face, her bright red lips uplifting in sudden comprehension. “Oh goody, we get to play with them, too?”

Michael Redcliff cleared his throat and smiled to himself. “Yes, dear, that was the plan. Have you cheered up a bit now?”

“A little,” she admitted, her voice having taken on a soft, dreamy quality and her thoughts were suddenly whisked to far more pleasurable pastures.


“But what about the damn screaming,” she groaned, coming back to earth firmly with a bump.

“Do you have your cell phone handy?”

K finally managed to get herself upright and set the utensil jar safely back on the counter. She pulled the receiver away from her ear and looked at the phone as if it had sprouted purple fur and claws. Rolling her eyes, already wondering where this was leading, she put the handset back to her ear. “Of course I have a cell phone, but I’m on the home phone at the moment. You want me to call you from my cell?”

“No darling. I want you to record the delightful Isabelle’s screams. A little bit of sobbing and begging wouldn’t go amiss, either. Let’s stir Matthew’s up and get him a little jumpy. Make the recording around a couple of minutes in length and then send it to me. I’ll need to deliver it from an untraceable account. We don’t want to give the boy any ammunition he can use.”

“OK, give me ten minutes and I’ll get it to you. Out of curiosity, though, why aren’t you keeping her at yours?”

“Ahh, that’s because there’s always the chance that Matthew’s may be really stupid and have the authorities come barging in here. I’m the only link he has. He doesn’t know that you’re my sidekick. You won’t even be up for consideration. He gets very protective of his staff, I hear, and has gone to some great lengths to ‘save’ them in the past. It helps that he’s got a soft spot for Isabelle and a hard one for my daughter.”

“But Isabelle isn’t one of his girls, is she?”

“She is now.”

“We need to work together, you and I,” said Mark, and his lips descended to nuzzle her neck, “because I suspect we want the same thing.”

“You want ten tonnes of sugar and a three litre vat of coffee?” She was rewarded with a sharp nip for her troubles. “Don’t go vampire on me,” she threatened, “I’ve already got you down as the big bad wolf.”

He laughed. “Because I can see you, smell you and eat you better than anyone else you’ve ever known?”

“No, it was a ‘whose afraid of the big bad wolf thing,’ but you’ve been replaced in that department. Anyway, tell me what we’re working together on.”

“I’m never especially comfortable around you,” she yelped as she received a backhander on her left butt-cheek, “but I’m not afraid of you, no.”


Her right cheek was subjected to the same treatment and it felt divine. He then pressed something cold and hard against the entrance to her pussy, and she instinctively moved upwards to avoid it.

“Relax. It’s just a set of Ben Wa balls. They’ll help improve your pelvic floor muscles because you’ll have to squeeze tightly to keep them inside of you. Lots of squeezing makes my fun in the bedroom infinitely more entertaining.” Another slap on her backside, but the first ball was already being worked inside her and it felt sublime. It was heavy, smooth and almost certainly made of some kind of metal. Her money would be on stainless steel.

“These are some of the heaviest ones I can find, mainly because I don’t like to make my games too easy for you. If you live under my roof, you’re going to have to work for everything and I mean everything, but that’s all part of the fun. If you can figure out a way to please me, I’ll make your life bearable.” He stroked the line of her throat and tongued the unbelievably sensitive spot just behind her earlobe. She shuddered.

“Does bearable include unlimited amounts of coffee and chocolate?” There was another petulant yelp as he increased the strength of his swats, but she didn’t wiggle out of the way.

“No, and never tell me stuff like that, because now I’ll ration both coffee and chocolate until you’re begging for the stuff. I like watching women beg. There’s something amazing about watching a woman beg, especially for sex.” He winked at her. “I’ll remember to cover you from head to toe in chocolate body paint frequently, in order to torment the hell out of you.” The second kegel ball was slotted into place, as deep inside her as his fingers would go. There was a pause as her body took a moment to spasm all over. Mark aroused her just by speaking, damnit, and all the rest of the stuff was just overkill in her opinion. Biting her tongue sharply, she managed to get a hold of herself.

“That might be OK, as long as I get a chance to lick the stuff off,” said Jenny thoughtfully.

“Oh no. I’ll be painting your chocolate rations somewhere far more interesting.” Mark pulled her away from the bed and stood directly in front of her. Jenny was trying hard not to laugh. She couldn’t help it. The image of Mark with his cock covered in chocolate was doing strange things to her libido.

“Now I’m curious. Would you like your chocolate rations orally or as a suppository? I’m sure the sugar would hit you quicker if we…”

“Nooo,” Jenny bit out, and the man had successfully wiped the smile off her face in an instant, which she guessed was his goal.

“Right, enough distractions. The name of the game is this… I have a pair of bolt cutters that will make moving and walking far less embarrassing for your restaurant visit. You keep those balls inside you for the next ten minutes, no matter what I do to you, and I’ll see what I can manage with regards to your restraints. You’ll still have the cuffs on, of course, but you’ll lose the chains – so more freedom for a little bit of effort. What do you say, Miss Redcliff?”

“Game on,” came the reply.

The pressure of the heavy metal balls within her had seemed fine at first. Mark made her crawl around the floor a bit, and introduced a flogger to the proceedings, but it was not particularly hard work to keep them securely inside her. She had to squeeze the muscles of her vagina tightly together, but the initial effort required to do so was sustainable, or so she’d thought.

Moving around proved difficult, not because of the chains, she’d almost become used to those, but when the balls vibrated and bounced together they sent shock waves of pleasure radiating through her body. The flogger drove her this way and that throughout his apartment, and each twist and turn was murder on her insides.

“I’ve waited a long time to fuck you, Jennifer Redcliff.” His voice echoed in her ears but she didn’t fully comprehend their meaning until a few moments later. “Whatever I want is usually delivered immediately to me, with no questions asked. I guess that’s one of the perks of being me. Having to wait over a week for something I really want is unheard of, and yet here I am still as excited by you as the first day I laid eyes on you. Scrap that, even more so. I want to pin you to the wall like a fucking Van Gogh, Miss Redcliff, and just like the Van Gogh, I wouldn’t mind if you graced my wall for several years or more. Does that scare you? Do you want to serve, Jenny? Do you want to serve me? Or are you, perhaps, just telling me the words I want to hear so you can run out on me at the first opportunity?”
To prove his point, Mark had scooped her up off the floor and slammed her backside against the bright white wall behind her. He obviously preferred the minimalist look, because not a single painting adorned it, which was probably a good thing when your head was being slammed against it. Not that she cared. Her body was buzzing with an intensity that had little to do with the vibrating balls inside her. Just one look from the annoying man in front of her and she was reduced to speaking gibberish. He had his flies undone and his cock nudging for entrance at her pussy, which might explain her inability to articulate words, but then again those smouldering brown eyes could produce naked flames if one weren’t careful. When he thrust himself inside her and smacked into the two balls, she nearly exploded on the spot.

There was no question that she was wet. Dripping wet. These days she was always soaked. But having two heavy, vibrating balls slammed into your cervix was an experience she was not going to forget in a hurry. Finally she got a grip on her tongue. “So,” she said breathlessly, feeling his mouth hovering above her nipple, “where are the Van Gogh’s?” Bathing in the hot air from his mouth, her nipple pleaded for more, and finally he teased it with his tongue. Small licks and flicks was all it was treated to, but it cried out for more, stretching and straining its little self until it could grow no more.

“I already told you, you are the Van Gogh, and if you don’t shut up, I might decide to hang you here permanently for my own personal use.”

His strokes were blunt but fierce. He worked the balls inside her as deep as they would go, cupping her reddened ass in his hands and tilting her towards him. Grinding against her clit, she was once again mute, so his threat had been a pointless one. Her head was in another place entirely and it was a happy place. Each thrust knocked the balls about inside her and they played a decadently wonderful tune.

“Madam, I am at your cervix for the entire evening,” Mark whispered, barely holding back a chuckle. Jenny didn’t care. She was almost at the point where she was hoping his earlier threat might come true. Being pinned against his wall for this kind of regular treatment wouldn’t be a hardship. Au contraire. It would be a fucking amazing. Before that thought had a chance to be examined, he pulled out of her.

Two heavy metal balls plummeted downwards and she did her best to slow their descent by clenching her PC muscles as hard as she could. Her face twisted as the effort of gripping them took hold.

“I’m not going to make this easy on you, Pet. You’re going to have to work to keep those balls inside of you. Grabbing her wrists, one at a time, he slammed them into the wall above her head. “Tell me what you want,” he growled.

But she wasn’t going to give in that easily. If he wanted to play nasty, then so could she, and the chocolate episode was still fresh in her mind. “I want,” she breathed in sexily and fluttered her eyelashes in great swoops that Cleopatra would have been proud of, “the largest cup of coffee that you can find.”

He grinned evilly, and she knew instantly that she’d made a mistake, but controlling the things that flowed out of her mouth had never been one of her strong points, and even less so in the heat of the moment. His cock slid between her legs and gently strokes the edges of her labia. Moving back and forth he teased her gently and she groaned in arousal. “There goes your ‘before-dinner-orgasm’ darling, and you’ll be lucky if I don’t take you out to dinner stark naked and wearing even more chains than you are already. Does that appeal?”

“No,” she mewled, swiftly curtailing anything else that might have threatened to spill out of her mouth. She had more important things to worry about. The heavy balls inside her were slipping. If she’d have behaved herself, she would barely have had to work for her bolt cutters, but now, without his help… things were getting difficult. Clamping together her tiring muscles, the lines of strain became evident upon her face.

“So let’s try that again. Tell me what you want.”

Christina Mandara was born in the UK, but has spent most of her life travelling the world. She speaks three languages and has been chiefly employed in the fields of finance and travel. Her favourite city is Sydney and her favourite holiday destination is the south of France.

She loves keeping fit and enjoys running, cycling and water sports. Think surfing or sailing. She's a big fan of BDSM in all of its glorious forms, and her favourite item in the toy closet (a box simply isn't big enough) is her riding crop.

In her spare time she's usually cuddled up with a good book, exploring the countryside, or baking in the kitchen. In fact, she loves her kitchen so much, she's one of the few woman who wouldn't mind being tied to it! Her first and foremost love is writing, however, and more often than not you'll find her on a laptop spinning tales of romance, erotica or dark, paranormal fantasies.  

C.P. Mandara’s Sexy Sizzler Newsletter Sign Up

Christina is generously running a giveaway during The Ties That Bind book tour and giving away the following:
First Prize: $10 Amazon Gift Card
Second Prize: A signed copy of 'The Riding School,' with signed bookmark
Third prize: A black flogger and fridge magnets

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Discover Ere's Secret @tmkamson @LoveBitesSilk #women'sfiction #contemporary #romance

Ere's Secret by Firi Kamson
Genre: Women's Fiction, Contemporary Romance

I have a secret.
In three days, I'll be turning 40 and I'm in love for the first time. Decades ago, I sacrificed my life for the good of my family. But tragedy struck too close to home, reminding me of the brevity of life.

Now I have a choice to make: continue living in shadows or allow my true self to emerge.

My life was uninteresting and would have stayed that way until I met Luke. This was a chance meeting and I could say we were destined to meet, who knows. It was a Sunday evening and I was at this point tired of my life and living my life as society wanted it to be lived. It was the day I defied all odds and subdued my nerves as I went into my closet and put on a black pair of pencil jeans and a black loose fitting Tee-shirt, that Cassandra, my oyibo Canadian neighbor who never took no for an answer, even though she had been unsuccessfully trying to invite me for coffee at hers for years; gave me. Surprisingly, when I put this on, it struck me how much weight I had lost. I looked like a skinny school girl instead of a 38 year old mother of three. Ignoring the inquiring looks my boys gave me, I told them I was going out with my friends. Further ignoring the equally curious look I got from Musa, our old reliable gateman who refused to leave us when Opuada died and was content with whatever I could pay him. With a straight face, I told him I was going out and would be back in a couple of hours. 

Firi Kamson was born in Nigeria, where she grew up. Becoming a lawyer, a writer and a pilot was her childhood dream, she dropped the lawyer part and got a B.A. in foreign languages and literature speciality French. Worked as a freelance translator and a photographer for a couple of years before she decided to explore the creative world of writing. She writes a column for www.sabinews.com, as Tee, an online Nigerian based magazine, where she journals her experiences in south east Asia. The dream of becoming a pilot is still there and who knows one day it would be fulfilled. She lives in South East Asia with her nerdy husband and very active daughter and son. Ere's Secret is her first work.
Firi Kamson would like to hear from her readers so you can send her an email phiri@secretlilies.com or check out her site www.secretlilies.com 

Or follow her on Twitter @tmkamson 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Claimed by Her Bears @mamaD8 #newrelease #bdsm #fairytales

Thanks so much for having me on your blog today with my newest release, Claimed by her Bears.

Based loosely on Goldilocks and the three bears, which happens to be one of my favourite Fairytales, and originally published as Goldie and her Bears, this story is really quite special to me. It started my love affair with bear shifters, and it was my first ménage.

I wrote the original version in a mad typing frenzy over one weekend, when those bears just wouldn’t let me rest, and you know, every bear shifter I have written since, has been the same. There is something about bears. They tend to be my raunchiest, most demanding heroes, and these three, are something else entirely. If you’ve read the original story, you know these bears are very, very naughty, but you know, they are even naughtier in this version. I’ve learnt a lot about writing sex since those early days, and delving into everyone’s point of view in this new and extended version has added another level of hotness. An extra 30K of hotness to be precise.


I had great fun writing these bears, so get ready for some yummy bear shifting kinky shenanigans. J


Take one very human girl. Add three bear shifters and one BDSM club. Shake well…

When Goldie Lockwood tumbles into the arms of the new CEO, she falls head over heels in lust with the enigmatic Dom. Interested in the lifestyle she might be, but Jason Stanhope seems way out of her league.

Jason’s bear wants nothing more than to bend Goldie over his desk and claim her right there, but that wouldn’t be appropriate. This bear shifter comes as a package deal—three for the prize of one. As the oldest of triplets, his mate will also have to submit to his brother and sister.

While Goldie responds beautifully to his training, will a weekend at the club be one step too far, or can she be the sweet sub the siblings need?

Revealing their bears might very well make Goldilocks live up to her name.


He had originally planned to spank her insolent ass, and then fuck her over his desk, but when she hadn’t appeared, his mood had darkened. For one soul wrenchingly disappointing second he’d thought she’d run out on him, and then his bear had picked up the scent of aroused woman. He’d tracked her down to the ladies’, and just when he thought he’d have to break the door in, she had appeared, and a new plan had taken hold.
Her untutored responses to him had made the Dom in him roar, and his bear had positively strutted at them. Fucking her now was out of the question. His volatile animal was too close to the surface, and he would not be able to resist biting her. No, it was far safer for everyone involved to consummate their relationship at the safety of the club, where his bear would be easier to control in the company of Jacob and Cat.
Besides, they had to establish the ground rules, and his little Goldilocks had some homework to do, starting right now.
He spread his legs and raised an eyebrow at her when she just stood there, staring at him openmouthed.
“I’m waiting, girl. If you can’t follow a simple instruction then this ain't gonna work out between us.” She gasped at that, and grinning he reached out and shut her mouth with his index finger under her chin. A shudder went through her when he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her kiss swollen lips, and she pouted when he withdrew again.
“Can’t you just spank me or something, and get that punishment over with, please, Sir?”
Jason threw his head back and laughed, and her pout deepened, but when he shook his head, she gave an exaggerated sigh, and slowly inched the hemline of her skirt up.
It was his turn to groan when her pretty pink pussy lips came into view. Delightfully bare, they glistened in her dew, and his bear huffed his need for a taste of the nectar between her legs.
Jason had to clear his throat to get his voice to work, and the little minx grinned at him.
“Spread your legs, girl. Give your Sir a good view.”
With a groan to match his, Goldie complied, and Jason had to rub his aching shaft through his trousers to gain some relief, as her outer lips opened to reveal the bounty therein. Her inner lips darkened in color the longer he stared at them, as the blood rushed to that area. Her engorged clit stood proudly out its hood, almost daring him to devour it with his teeth, and her pussy hole clenched and released, causing more of her juices to trickle out of it and down the inside of her thighs.
“Now, that is a pretty sight, my girl. I bet you want to come pretty badly right now, don’t you.”
He smirked at her strangled answer, and taking his phone out of his pocket got to his knees to take some candid close up shots of his girl’s cunt. Both Jacob and Cat would sure appreciate those, not to mention he would, while he imagined himself balls deep inside that pretty flesh.
“What are you doing, Sir?” Her voice wobbled, but she didn’t close her legs either, and pride surged in him. Maybe this would work out after all. Not claiming her as his was already too painful to contemplate. All three of them would just have to work really hard to make her fall in love with them so that the small matter of them shifting into grizzlies wouldn’t freak her out too much.
He had a sudden vision of her running away screaming from the club when she found out about them like her namesake in the popular fairytale. He shook his head to free it of those disturbing thoughts, and getting back to his feet showed her the last picture he’d just taken.
“Just taking a picture of what’s mine, girl.”
Goldie glanced at the screen briefly and blushed crimson.
“No need to be ashamed, Goldilocks. You have the prettiest little cunt I've ever seen, and I can't wait to claim it.”
The hopeful look she threw his way made him laugh, and he shook his head.
“Not today though.” He pulled the hemline of her pencil skirt down and tapped her nose.
“You can close your legs now, but remember what I said. No making yourself come, and no panties. I’ll be checking to make sure you follow that rule, and if you don’t…” He grinned at her sharp intake of breath when he swatted her ass twice.
“You won't be able to sit that pretty behind of yours down for a week, got it?”
 “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and he brushed his lips over hers, drinking in the scent of his woman.
“You have some homework to do first, and when I think you’re ready, we’ll be taking that step at the club.”
Her eyes widened anew at that proclamation.
“The club?” she asked. “Not the one all the staff is dying to find out about?”
Jason tapped her nose again and stepping away, pulled out the list of websites he’d printed off for her earlier out his trouser pocket.
“The very same, baby, only, you’re looking at the new owner. Well one of them. My sister and brother own a third each.”
“There’s more of you?” Her voice rose in her astonishment, and he knew now was the perfect time to test the waters.
“Yes, we’re triplets, and…” He let his words trail off waiting for her reaction, and she didn’t disappoint.
“Triplets? I guess that makes you really close, right?” she asked, and when he just shrugged his shoulders, she wrapped her arms around herself.
“Is there a reason you’re telling me this now?” she asked, and he nodded.
“Let’s just say, we like to share—everything.”

Available from Evernight Publishing and all other on-line retailers from September 1st.

For all other buy links, please check the book page here.

Author Bio

Doris is a writer of sensual, sassy, and sexy tales involving alpha heroes to die for, and heroines who give as good as they get.  From contemporary to paranormal, Sci-fi, BDSM, F/F, M/M, and Ménage, haunting love stories are guaranteed.

Happily married for the last twenty-five years, she lives with her husband and their brood of nine in a far too small house filled with love, laughter, and chaos.

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